Coral Scabs

My concept began with the idea of contrasting soft flesh with the hardened protective layer found in sea life. Thinking of wounds and how the hardening of the skin into a scab is a part of the healing process. Even the process of growing stretches the skin leaving scars on the body.

The idea of a shell is to protect the soft bits. For many of us the appeal of armour to hide our fragility is a seductive calling.  Everyone creates their armour in different ways. It could be through clothing, the spaces we create, ideologies we adhere to, or even through denial. I think there is a lot of fear in how easily damaged we are both physically and mentally.  

My piece is the imagining of wounds hardening into coral across the body. The network of lace and beads built into it creates a loose protective shell. However the nude body beneath is still visible and vulnerable; a reminder that no armour cannot stop the inevitable. To grow is to be damaged, to age is to become something new.

I wanted to marry the idea that hardness has a place but allowing our softness to show through is imperative. 

Coral Scabs is an in process piece utilizing deadstock lace, upcycled straws, seed beads, sequin, felt, and embroidery floss.

The lace is fashioned into a shift dress with elements protruding and retracting. I played with elements shifting forward and back creating crevices and mass while still revealing the body. The desired effect is to create peaks and valleys reminiscent of coral reefs while draped on the body below..  



Fruiting Bodies and Their Threads


Lockdown Garden